Organisation and reporting
In order to ensure that policies and regulations are implemented and followed, organisation and reporting structures are the foundation.
Saab’s Code of Conduct is adopted by the Board of Directors. The Audit Committee has been specifically tasked to monitor the efficiency and the adequacy of Saab’s anti-bribery and corruption (ABC) program. As part of this task, the Audit Committee reviews the annual ABC program report and quarterly whistleblowing statistics.
Saab’s Ethics and Compliance Board (ECB) approves ABC policies and instructions and makes decisions on whistleblowing cases, on-boarding of high-risk business partners, material sponsorships and sensitive business. The ECB has eight ordinary meetings per year and is composed of the General Counsel, the first and the second deputy CEO and the Head of Communication.
The Ethics and Compliance function is responsible for the management and development of the ABC program, including risk assessments, policies and procedures, training strategy, onboarding of business intermediaries, business partner due diligence, whistleblowing and metrics. The function also organizes the work of the ECB and reports annually to the Audit Committee on the status of the ABC program.
Implementation of the ABC program in Business Areas and Operational Countries is supported and overseen by local Ethics and Compliance Officers.
Parts of the ABC program is included in Internal Audit’s annual plan. Each year Internal Audit also reviews of a number of selected business intermediaries to verify compliance and ensure that the intermediary is acting in line with Saab’s values and contractual terms.